團體課時間表(2024 10月開始)
Zoom 麥克風設定
1.1 雅思閱讀基本概念
1.2 常見的雅思閱讀低分原因
1.3 雅思閱讀應該如何準備?
1.4 閱讀三元素
1.5 閱讀力包含了什麼?
1.6 自學並訓練滿分閱讀力
2.1 What's in it?
2.2 T/F/NG 題目介紹
2.3 Y/N/NG 題目介紹
2.4 作答技巧
2.5 作答策略與步驟
2.6 實際演練
2.7 圈關鍵字
2.8 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
3.1 Marking criteria 評分標準頗析
3.2 Steps for the win 分析步驟
3.3 Types of questions: opinion 題目類型:個人意見
3.4 Types of questions: discussion 題目類型:討論
3.5 Types of questions: pros and cons 題目類型:好處壞處
3.6 Types of questions: problems/solutions 題目類型:問題解決方法
3.7 Types of questions: direct questions 題目類型:直接問句
3.8 Analysing questions 分析題目
3.9 Rephrase the question 重新塑題
3.10 Exercise 1 練習一
3.11 Answer 1 練習一解答
4.1 問題與討論
4.2 聽力焦慮症是什麼?
4.3 雅思聽力題型
4.4 聽力技巧方向
4.5 聽力第一部分題目作答技巧
4.6 聽力第二部分:地圖題作答技巧
4.8 聽力第二部分:多選題作答技巧
4.9 聽力第三部分:選擇題作答技巧
4.10 如何提升聽力理解力?
4.11 聽力第三部分:配合題作答技巧
4.12 聽力第四部分:填空題作答技巧
4.12 如何提升聽力能力?
5.2 marking criteria 評分標準
5.4 實用句型:表達同意與不同意
5.5 實用句型:插入個人意見
5.6 實用句型:詢問他人意見
5.7 實用句型:請求重複
5.8 實用句型:換句話說
5.9 實用句型:爭取時間思考
5.10 實用句型:結語整合
5.11 練習一:完成表格
5.12 練習一:解答
5.13 練習二:完成表格
5.14 練習二:解答
5.15 練習三:完成對話
5.15 練習三:解答
5.17 取代I think 之表達想法的開頭句
5.18 試著練習以下題目
5.19 口說練習參考答案
6.1 Band 7+ phrases - work
6.2 試著回答以下問題
6.3 Sample answer 1
6.4 Sample answer 2
6.5 Sample answer 3
More Ielts questions about "work"
6.6 Band 7+ phrases - fashion and shopping
6.7 試著回答以下問題
6.8 Sample answer 1
6.9 Sample answer 2
6.10 Sample answer 3
More Ielts questions about "fashion"
7.1 What's in it?
7.2 Summary 題目介紹
7.3 作答技巧
7.4 作答策略與步驟
7.5 實際演練
7.6 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
8.1 What’s in it? 本章節內容
8.2 Overview 架構總覽
8.3. Introduction paragraph 開題段New Lesson
8.4 Practice 1 練習一
8.5 Answer 1 練習一解答
8.6 Body paragraph 申論段
8.7 Conclusion paragraph 結語段
9.1 Band 7+ phrases - interest
9.2 Practice
9.3 Sample answer 1
9.4 Sample answer 2
9.5 Sample answer 3
More IELTS questions about "Interests"
9.6 Band 7+ phrases - holidays
9.7 Practice
9.8 Sample answer 1
9.9 Sample answer 2
9.10 Sample answer 3
More IELTS questions about "holidays"
10.1 What's in it?
10.2 Heading 題型介紹
10.3 作答技巧
10.4 作答策略與步驟
10.5 作答策略示範
10.6 實際演練
10.7 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
11.2 考口說第二部分常見錯誤
11.3 第二部分高分口說示範
11.4 understanding the question 了解題目
11.5 types of questions 題目類型
12.1 練習一:你先試試看!
12.2 練習一筆記示範
12.3 練習一範例
12.4 練習一範例逐字稿
12.5 練習一實用句型
12.6 練習二:你先試試看
12.7 練習二筆記示範
12.8 練習二範例
12.9 練習二範例逐字稿
12.10 練習二實用句型
13.1 關於雅思小作文
13.2 本課程適合的對象
13.3 小作文評分標準
13.4 小作文題型
13.5 寫作架構
13.6 整體寫作步驟
13.7 寫 introduction 句
13.8 如何改寫
13.9 量化主詞
13.10 overview 段落
13.11 feature 1 & 2
13.12 你會學到什麼?
14.1 Introduction to the chapter
14.2 什麼是折線圖
14.3 分析折線圖
14.4 折線圖分析結果整合
14.5 折線圖的overview
14.6 單字:表達上升
14.7 單字:表達下降
14.8 單字:表達持平
14.9 單字:表達趨勢的其他單字
14.10 句型:動詞型和名詞型
14.11 修飾用的趨勢形容詞與副詞
15.1 雅思模擬考14題本
15.2 Test 1 聽力音檔
15.3 解答
16.1 聽力-第一部分
16.2 聽力-第二部分(1)
16.3 聽力-第二部分(2)
16.4 聽力-第三部分(1)
16.5 聽力-第三部分(2)
16.6 聽力-第四部分
17.1 閱讀-1. The importance of children's play - 1 (表格完成)
17.2 閱讀-1. The importance of children's play - 2 (T/F/NG)
17.3 閱讀-2. The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world - 1 (段落配合)
17.4 閱讀-2. The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world - 2 (多選)
17.5 閱讀-2. The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world - 3 (Summary)
17.6 閱讀-3. Motivational factors and the hospitality industry -1 (人名配合)
17.7 閱讀-3. Motivational factors and the hospitality industry -2 (Y/N/NG)
17.8 閱讀-3. Motivational factors and the hospitality industry -3 (Summary)
18.1 What’s in it? 本章節內容
18.2 Why Planning Technique: how to plan 如何發想作文
18.3 Why Planning Technique: writing 把計畫變成段落
18.4 What Planning Technique: how to plan 如何發想作文 2
18.5 What Planning Technique: writing 把計畫變成段落 2
18.6 Practice 1 練習一
18.7 Practice 1 練習一解析
18.8 Practice 2 練習二
18.9 Practice 2 練習二解析
18.10 Practice 3 練習三
18.11 Practice 3 練習三解析
18.12 Practice 4 練習四
18.13 Practice 4 練習四解析
18.14 Practice 5 練習五
18.15 Practice 5 練習五解析
19.1 What's in it?
19.2 Multiple Choices 題型介紹
19.3 作答技巧
19.4 作答策略與步驟
19.5 實際演練
19.6 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
20.1 What's in it?
20.2 練習一
20.3 筆記法:關於物的題目
20.4 練習一筆記示範
20.5 練習一範例
20.6 練習一範例逐字稿
20.7 練習一實用句型
20.8 練習二
20.9 練習二筆記示範
20.10 練習二範例
20.11 練習二範例逐字稿
20.12 練習二實用句型
21.1 練習一:腦力激盪段落寫作
21.2 練習二:把句子改得更學術吧
21.3 何謂被動語態
21.4 練習二解答
21.5 被動語態與時態變化
21.6 練習三:主動語態改成被動語態
21.7 練習三解答
21.8 思考:被動語態和有意義的助動詞
21.9 被動語態和有意義的助動詞搭配
21.10 練習四:填入正確的詞
21.11 練習四解答
21.12 練習五:用被動語態改寫你的文章吧
21.13 超強學術寫作絕招:名詞化
21.14 練習六:把動詞轉名詞
21.15 練習六解答
21.16 練習七:試著寫出你的論點
21.17 練習八:運用你剛剛所學進行句子改錯
21.18 練習八解答
21.19 額外文章改寫練習
22.1 本篇包含什麼呢?
22.2 為何要使用AI?
22.3 使用AI常見問題
22.4 八步驟:利用AI有效批改並學習寫作
22.5 步驟一:詢問分數
22.6 步驟二:再次確認
22.7 步驟三:更正錯誤
22.8 步驟四:分數校正與提升
22.9 步驟五:提升整體分數建議
22.10 步驟六:可替換單字和短語
22.11 步驟七:常見錯誤
22.12 步驟八:常見錯誤密集訓練
23.1 Band 7+ phrases - relationship
23.2 Practice
23.3 Sample answer 1
23.4 Sample answer 2
23.5 Sample answer 3
More IELTS questions about "Relationship"
23.6 Band 7+ phrases - education
23.7 practice
23.8 Sample answer 1
23.9 Sample answer 2
23.10 Sample answer 3
More IELTS questions about "Education"
24.1 Test 2 聽力音檔
24.2 解答
25.1 聽力-第一部分
25.2 聽力-第二部分(1)
25.3 聽力-第二部分(2)
25.4 聽力-第三部分(1)
25.5 聽力-第三部分(2)
25.6 聽力-第四部分
26.1 閱讀-1. Alexander Henderson -1 (T/F/NG)
26.2 閱讀-1. Alexander Henderson -2 (列表完成)
26.3 閱讀-2. Back to the future skyscraper design -1 (段落配合)
26.4 閱讀-2. Back to the future skyscraper design -2 (Summary)
26.5 閱讀-3. Why companies should welcome disorder -1 (headings)
26.6 閱讀-3. Why companies should welcome disorder -2 (填空)
26.7 閱讀-3. Why companies should welcome disorder -3 (T/F/NG)
27.1 Introduction to the chapter
27.2 什麼是長條圖
27.3 長條圖分析
27.4 長條圖分析資料整合
27.5 長條圖overview
27.6 詞彙:表達比較
27.7 句型:表達相似性
27.8 句型:表達高低差別
28.1 7-1 Band 7+ phrases - food
28.2 Practice
28.3 Sample answer 1
28.4 Sample answer 2
28.5 Sample answer 3
28.6 Band 7+ phrases - transportation
28.7 Practice
28.8 Sample answer 1
28.9 Sample answer 2
28.10 Sample answer 3
29.1 What's in it?
29.2 Match Endings 題型介紹
29.3 作答技巧
29.4 作答策略與步驟
29.5 實際演練
29.6 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
30.1 What's in it?
30.2 練習一
30.3 筆記法:關於地點的題目
30.4 練習一筆記示範
30.5 練習一範例
30.6 練習一範例逐字稿
30.7 練習一實用句型
30.8 練習二
30.9 練習二筆記示範
30.10 練習二範例
30.11 練習二範例逐字稿
30.12 練習二實用句型
31.1 練習一:哪些句子有錯呢?
31.1 何謂名詞子句
31.3 Wh開頭的名詞子句
31.4 練習二:試著將兩個句子用名詞子句合併
31.5 練習二解答
31.6 Whether / if 開頭的名詞子句
31.7 改寫句子
31.8 練習三解答
31.9 that 開頭的名詞子句
31.10 練習四:使用that+ 名詞子句造句
31.11 練習四解答
31.12 練習五:把這個段落變得更厲害!
31.13 練習五解答
31.14 -ever 開頭的名詞子句
31.15 練習一解答
31.16 練習六:運用名詞子句和被動語態
32.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章1
32.2 分析題目
32.3 高分例文
32.4 高分例文解析
32.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章2
32.6 分析題目
32.7 高分例文
32.8 高分例文解析
33.1 Test 3 聽力音檔
33.2 解答
34.1 聽力-第一部分
34.2 聽力-第二部分(1)
34.3 聽力-第二部分(2)
34.4 聽力-第三部分(1)
34.5 聽力-第三部分(2)
34.6 聽力-第四部分
35.1 閱讀-1. The concept of intelligence -1 (段落配合)
35.2 閱讀-1. The concept of intelligence -2 (Y/N/NG)
35.3 閱讀-1. The concept of intelligence -3 (配合)
35.1 閱讀-2. Saving bugs to find new drugs -1 (段落配合)
3.6.2 閱讀-2. Saving bugs to find new drugs -2 (多選)
3.6.3 閱讀-2. Saving bugs to find new drugs -3 (Summery)
3.7.1 閱讀-3. The power of play -1 (人名配合)
3.7.2 閱讀-3. The power of play -2 (Y/N/NG)
3.7.3 閱讀-3. The power of play -3 (Summery)
36.1 Band 7+ phrases - media
36.2 Practice
36.3 Sample answer 1
36.4 Sample answer 2
36.5 Sample answer 3
36.6 Band 7+ phrases - technology
36.7 Practice
36.8 Sample answer 1
36.9 Sample answer 2
36.10 Sample answer 3
37.1 Do you like the area that you live in?
37.2 Where do you like to go in that area?
37.3 Do you know any famous people in your area?
37.4 What are some changes in the area recently?
37.5 Do you know any of your neighbours?
37.6 Are the people in your neighborhood nice and friendly?
37.7 Where is your hometown?
37.8 Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
37.9 Please describe your hometown a little.
37.10 How long have you been living there?
37.11 Do you like your hometown?
37.12 Do you like living there?
37.13 What do you like about your hometown?
37.14 Is there anything you dislike about it?
37.15 Is that a big city or a small place?
37.16 What's your hometown famous for?
37.17 Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?
38.1 Introduction to the chapter
38.2 什麼是表格
38.3 分析表格
38.4 表格分析結果整合
38.5 表格overview
38.6 寫作範例:feature 1 & 2
38.7 兩個表格
38.8 寫作範例:兩格表格分析資料整合
38.9 寫作範例:overview
38.10 寫作範例:feature 1 & 2
38.11 課後練習
39.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表1
39.2 圖表1 分析
39.3 圖表1: 8.0 例文解析
39.4 圖表1: 8.0 例文
39.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表2
39.6 圖表2 分析
39.7 圖表2: 8.0 例文解析
39.8 圖表2: 8.0 例文
35.9 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表3
39.10 圖表3 分析
39.11 圖表3: 8.0 例文解析
39.12 圖表3: 8.0 例文
40.1 練習題下載
40.2 練習一
40.3 練習一:詳解
40.4 練習二
40.5 練習二:詳解
40.6 練習三
40.7 練習三:詳解
40.8 練習四
40.9 練習四:詳解
40.10 練習五
40.11 練習五:詳解
41.1 What's in it?
41.2 練習一
41.3 筆記法:關於經驗的題目
41.4 練習一筆記示範
41.5 練習一範例
41.6 練習一範例逐字稿
41.7 練習一實用句型
41.8 練習二
41.9 練習二筆記示範
41.10 練習二範例
41.11 練習二範例逐字稿
42.1 Practice 1- Try to answer the question
42.1 Practice 2- Sample Answer (Section 2)
42.3 Part 3: answer the questions
42.4 Sample: What skills do adults need to have?
42.5 Sample: How can people be motivated to learn new things?
42.6 Sample: What can children learn from teachers and parents?
42.7 Sample: What are the skills that you wanted to learn?
42.8 Sample: What skills should children learn before entering school?
42.9 Sample: How does a good learner learn something new?
42.10 Practice 2- Try to answer the question
42.11 Practice 2- Sample Answer (Section 2)
42.12 Part 3: answer the questions
42.13 Sample: Why do people choose to travel by public transport?
42.14 Sample: Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?
42.15 Sample: Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in the city?
42.16 Sample: What are the disadvantages of traveling by public transport
42.17 Sample: What do you think are the cheapest and most expensive means of transport?
42.18 Sample: What are the difficulties that commuters face during rush hours?
42.19 Practice 3- Try to answer the question
42.20 Practice 3- Sample Answer (Section 2)
42.21 Part 3: answer the questions
42.22 Sample: Should employees have their own goals?
42.23 Sample: How should bosses reward employees?
42.24 Sample: What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
42.25 Sample: How should children spend their allowance money?
42.26 Sample: Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?
42.27 Sample: Do you think shopping is good for a country's economy?
43.1 練習一:測試自己的形容詞子句
43.2 何謂形容詞子句
43.3 關係代名詞當主詞使用
43.4 練習二:用關代合併兩句
43.5 練習二解答
43.6 關係代名詞當受格
43.7 關係代名詞當受格-2
43.8 練習三:形容詞子句改錯
43.9 練習三解答
43.10 關係代名詞當所有格
43.11 練習四:選擇適合的關代
43.12 練習四解答
43.13 關係代名詞的使用整理
43.14 可用和不可用that的特殊狀況
43.15 練習五:運用複雜句進行段落寫作
43.16 練習五解答
43.17 形容詞子句化簡成分詞構句
43.18 練習六:運用分詞構句
43.19 練習六解答
43.20 形容詞子句『, which』運用
43.21 練習七:運用, which 的形容詞子句
43.22 練習八:測試看看自己學了多少吧!
43.23 練習八解答
44.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章1
44.2 分析題目
44.3 高分例文
44.4 高分例文解析
44.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章2
44.6 分析題目
44.7 高分例文
44.8 高分例文解析
45.1 練習一:將單字分類
45.2 練習一:解答
45.3 表達額外論點(addition)的轉乘詞
45.4 表達平等狀態(equation)的轉乘詞
45.5 表達下結語(conclusion)的轉乘詞
45.6 練習二:完成句子
45.7 練習二:解答
45.8 練習三:選擇
45.9 練習三:解答
45.10 練習四:改錯
45.11 練習四:解答
45.12 練習五:填入適當的轉承詞
45.13 練習五:解答
45.14 表達條件的單詞
45.15 練習六:換句話說
45.16 練習六:解答
45.17 練習七:以自己的話完成句子
45.18 練習七:解答
45.19 練習八:短文寫作
45.20 練習八:參考句型
45.21 表達原因和結果的句型
45.22 練習九:表達原因和結果
45.23 練習九:解答
45.24 練習十:填入適當的短語
45.25 練習十:解答
45.26 練習十一:大作文完成
45.27 練習十一:解答
46.1 What's in it?
46.2 Match names 題型介紹
46.3 作答技巧
46.4 作答策略與步驟
46.5 實際演練
46.6 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
47.1 Test 4 聽力音檔
47.2 解答
48.1 聽力-第一部分
48.2 聽力-第二部分(1)
48.3 聽力-第二部分(2)
48.4 聽力-第三部分(1)
48.5 聽力-第三部分(2)
48.6 聽力-第四部分
49.1 閱讀-1. The secret of staying young -1 (表單填空)
49.2 閱讀-1. The secret of staying young -2 (T/F/NG)
49.3 閱讀-2. Why zoos are good -1 (段落配對)
49.4 閱讀-2. Why zoos are good -2 (T/F/NG)
49.5 閱讀-2. Why zoos are good -3 (多選)
49.6 閱讀-3-1 (T/F/NG)
49.7 閱讀-3-2 (表單填空與多選)
50.1 Band 7+ phrases - Music
50.2 Practice
50.3 Sample 01
50.4 Sample 02
50.5 Sample 03
50.6 Band 7+ phrases - advertising
50.7 Practice
50.8 Sample 01
50.9 Sample 02
50.10 Sample 03
51.1 What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future?
51.2 Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
51.3 Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
51.4 Please describe the room you live in.
51.5 What part of your home do you like the most?
51.6 How long have you lived there?
51.7 Do you plan to live there for a long time?
51.8 What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?
51.9 Can you describe the place where you live?
51.10 What room does your family spend most of the time in?
51.11 What's your favorite room in your apartment/house?
51.12 What makes you feel pleasant in your home?
51.13 Do you think it is important to live in a comfortable environment?
51.14 Do you live in a house or a flat?
51.15 Who do you live with?
51.16 What do you usually do in your flat?
51.17 What kinds of accommodation do you live in?
51.18 Do you like travelling?
51.19 How often do you go travelling?
51.20 Where do you usually travel?
51.21 How do you feel when you are travelling
52.1 Introduction to the chapter
52.2 什麼是圓餅圖
52.3 分析圓餅圖
52.4 圓餅圖分析資料整合
52.5 圓餅圖overview
52.6 詞彙:佔有%
52.7 寫作練習
52.8 句型:表達大小
52.9 寫作練習
52.10 單字:表達分數
52.11 詞彙:表達大概
52.12 句型:其他實用句型
53.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表1
53.2 圖表1分析
53.3 圖表1 : 8.0 例文解析
53.4 圖表1 : 8.0 例文
53.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表2
53.6 圖表2分析
53.7 圖表2 : 8.0 例文解析
53.8 圖表2:8.0例文
53.9 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表3
53.10 圖表3分析
53.11 圖表3 : 8.0 例文解析
53.12 圖表3:8.0例文
54.1 練習題下載
54.2 練習一
54.3 練習一:解題
54.4 練習二
54.5 練習二:解題
54.6 練習三
54.7 練習三:解題
54.8 練習四
54.9 練習四:解題
54.10 練習五
54.11 練習五:解題
55.1 What's in it?
55.2 練習一
55.3 筆記法:關於抽象概念的題目
55.4 練習一筆記示範
55.5 練習一範例
55.6 練習一範例逐字稿
55.7 練習一實用句型
55.8 練習二
55.9 練習二筆記示範
55.10 練習二範例
55.11 練習二範例逐字稿
55.12 練習二實用句型
56.1 Practice 1- Try to answer the question
56.2 Practice 1- Sample Answer (Section 2)
56.3 Part 3: answer the questions
56.4 Sample: Why do many people like to buy expensive sportswear for playing ball games?
56.5 Sample: What kinds of sports games do young and old people like to watch in your country?
56.6 Sample: Why do so many people like to watch sports games?
56.7 Sample: Do you think that international sports games are for money?
56.8 Sample: Many advertisers like to use sports stars endorsements. What do you think are the reasons?
56.9 Sample: 6 Do you think sportsmen would use the sports gears promoted in the commercials?
56.10 Practice 2- Try to answer the question
56.11 Practice 2- Sample Answer (Section 2)
56.12 Part 3: answer the questions
56.13 Sample: Which one is more important, personal goals or work goals?
56.14 Sample: Have your life goals changed since your childhood?
56.15 Sample: Does everyone set goals for themselves?
56.16 Sample: What kinds of rewards are important at work?
56.17 Sample: Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?
56.18 Sample: What makes people feel proud of themselves?
56.19 Practice 3- Try to answer the question
56.20 Practice 3- Sample Answer (Section 2)
56.21 Part 3: answer the questions
56.22 Sample: How should parents teach their children what a risk is?
56.23 Sample: What risks should parents tell their children to avoid?
56.24 Sample: Why do some people like to watch risk-taking movies?
56.25 Sample: What kinds of sports are dangerous but exciting?
56.26 Sample: Why do some people enjoy dangerous sports?
56.27 Sample: Who is more interested in taking risks, the young or the old?
57.1 問題與討論
57.2 如何有邏輯的計畫寫作
57.3 關於問題的實用句型
57.4 練習一:句子寫作練習
57.5 複習:用形容詞子句合併
57.6 練習二:加入形容詞子句吧!
57.7 練習三:分詞構句練習
57.8 特殊關係代名詞:where
57.9 練習四:選擇適當的關代
57.10 練習四解答
57.11 特殊關係代名詞:when
57.12 練習五:特殊關代句
57.13 形容詞子句的限定和補述用法
57.14 練習六:長尾句
57.15 練習六解答
57.16 練習六解答-2
57.17 練習七:長尾句子合併訓練
57.18 練習七解答
57.19 練習八:形容詞子句總複習
57.20 練習八解答
58.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章1
58.2 分析題目
58.3 高分例文
58.4 高分例文解析
58.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章2
58.6 分析題目
58.7 高分例文
58.8 高分例文解析
59.1 練習一:完成圖表
59.2 練習一:解答
59.3 表達上升、下降、持平的趨勢單字
59.4 表達程度的相關單字
59.5 練習二:完成表格
59.6 練習二:解答
59.7 練習三:綜合運用
59.8 練習三:解答
59.9 表達改變的單字
59.10 練習四:完成句子
59.11 練習四:解答
59.12 練習五:完成句子
59.13 練習五:解答
59.14 表達時間狀況的詞彙
59.15 練習六:分類詞彙
59.16 練習六:解答
59.17 表達時間狀態的詞2
59.18 練習七:填空
59.19 練習七:解答
59.20 表達趨勢進階單字Part 1 (小作文常用)
59.21 練習八:單字填空練習
59.22 練習八:解答
59.23 練習九:完成圖表作文
59.24 練習九:解答
59.25 表達趨勢進階單字 Part 2
59.26 練習十:單字填空練習
59.27 練習十:解答
59.28 練習十一:完成圖表作文
59.29 練習十一:解答
59.30 表達趨勢進階單字Part 3
59.31 練習十二:完成句子
59.32 練習十二:解答
59.33 練習十三:完成段落
59.34 練習十三:解答
60.1 What's in it?
60.2 Sentence completion 題型介紹
60.3 作答技巧
60.4 作答策略與步驟
60.5 實際演練
60.6 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
61.1 雅思模擬考17題本
61.2 聽力練習音檔
61.3 解答
62.1 聽力-第一部分(1)
62.2 聽力-第一部分(2)
62.3 聽力-第二部分(1)
62.4 聽力-第二部分(2)
62.5 聽力-第三部分(1)
62.6 聽力-第三部分(2)
62.7 聽力-第四部分
63.1 閱讀 -1. The development of London underground railway -1 (表單填空)
63.2 閱讀 -1. The development of London underground railway -2 (T/F/NG)
63.3 閱讀 -2. Stadiums, past, present and future -1 (段落配合)
63.4 閱讀 -2. Stadiums, past, present and future -2 (Summary)
63.5 閱讀 -2. Stadiums, past, present and future -3 (多選)
63.6 閱讀 -3. To catch a king -1 (Summary)
63.7 閱讀 -3. To catch a king -2 (Y/N/NG)
63.8 閱讀 -3. To catch a king -3 (選擇)
64.1 Band 7+ phrases - movie
64.2 Practice
64.3 Sample 01
64.4 Sample 02
64.5 Sample 03
64.6 Band 7+ phrases - travel
64.7 Practice
64.8 Sample 01
64.8 Sample 01
64.10 Sample 03
65.1 What subjects are you studying?
65.2 Do you like your subject?
65.3 Why did you choose to study that subject?
65.4 Do you want to change your major?
65.5 Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
65.6 How much time do you spend on your studies each week?
65.7 Are you looking forward to working?
65.8 What technology do you use when you study?
65.9 What changes would you like to see in your school?
65.10 Do you often use maps?
65.11 Do you use paper maps?
65.12 How often do you use maps on your phone?
65.13 Do you have maps at home?
65.14 How do you go to work/school?
65.15 What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
65.16 How far is it from your home to work/school?
65.17 Do you think people will drive more in the future?
66.1 Introduction to the chapter
66.2 什麼是地圖
66.3 地圖題型1 寫作架構
66.4 地圖題型1:分析
66.5 地圖題型1 的overview
66.6 句型:描述位置
66.7 句型:描述道路
66.8 句型:描述人口
66.9 feature 1 & 2 寫作方式
66.10 地圖題型2架構
66.11 地圖題型2 分析
66.12 地圖題型2分析資料整合
66.13 地圖題型2的overview
66.14 單字:表達不同變化
66.15 句型:表達改變
66.16 寫作練習
67.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表1
67.2 圖表1分析
67.3 圖表1 : 8.0 例文解析
67.4 圖表1:8.0例文
67.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表2
67.6 圖表1分析
67.7 圖表2 : 8.0 例文解析
67.8 圖表2:8.0例文
67.9 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表3
67.10 圖表1分析
67.11 圖表3 : 8.0 例文解析
67.12 圖表3:8.0例文
68.1 練習題下載
68.2 練習一
68.3 練習一:解題
68.4 練習二
68.5 練習二:解題
68.6 練習三
68.7 練習三:解題
68.8 練習四
68.9 練習四:解題
68.10 練習五
68.11 練習五:解題
69.1 What's in it?
69.2 練習一
69.3 筆記法:關於活動的題目
69.4 練習一筆記示範
69.5 練習一範例
69.6 練習一範例逐字稿
69.7 練習一實用句型
69.8 練習二
69.9 練習二筆記示範
69.10 練習二範例
69.11 練習二範例逐字稿
69.12 練習二實用句型
70.1 Practice 1- Try to answer the question
70.2 Practice 1- Sample Answer (Section 2)
70.3 Part 3: answer the questions
70.4 Sample: How do you get along with your neighbors?
70.5 Sample: How do neighbors help each other?
70.6 Sample: Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city?
70.7 Sample: How do children learn to cooperate with each other?
70.8 Sample: Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others? How?
70.9 Sample: Do you think it's important for children to learn about cooperation?
70.10 Practice 2- Try to answer the question
70.11 Practice 2- Sample Answer (Section 2)
70.12 Part 3: answer the questions
70.13 Sample: Is it important to have a break during work or study?
70.14 Sample: What sports do young people like to do now?
70.15 Sample: Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?
70.16 Sample: Can most people balance work and life in China?
70.17 Sample: What activities do children and adults do nowadays?
70.18 Sample: 6 Do adults and children have enough time for leisure activities nowadays?
70.19 Practice 3- Try to answer the question
70.20 Practice 3- Sample Answer (Section 2)
70.21 Part 3: answer the questions
70.22 Sample: Should children have learning routines?
70.23 Sample: What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?
70.24 Sample: Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?
70.25 Sample: How do people's routines differ on weekdays and weekends?
70.26 Sample: What daily routines do people have at home?
70.27 Sample: What are the differences between people's daily routines now and in the last 15 years?
71.1 練習一:段落寫作練習
71.2 什麼是副詞?
71.3 副詞子句概觀
71.4 副詞子句基本規則
71.5 表達時間的副詞子句
71.6 練習二:完成句子
71.7 練習二參考答案
71.8 與因果相關的副詞子句
71.9 練習三:增加句子
71.10 練習三參考解答
71.11 表達對照的副詞子句
71.12 練習四:表達對照的副詞子句
71.13 練習四參考答案
71.14 表達條件的副詞子句
71.15 練習五:條件副詞子句
71.16 部分副詞子句的化簡
71.17 練習六:化簡
71.18 練習六解答
71.19 副詞子句總整理
71.20 額外寫作練習
72.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章1
72.2 分析題目
72.3 高分例文
72.4 高分例文解析
72.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章2
72.6 分析題目
72.7 高分例文
72.8 高分例文解析
73.1 練習一:表達強調的字彙使用
73.2 練習一:解答
73.3 表達強調的實用單字
73.4 練習二:完成句子
73.5 練習二:解答
73.6 表達困惑的詞彙
73.7 練習三:完成句子
73.8 練習三:解答
73.9 表達概括或細節的詞彙
73.10 練習四:替換單字
73.11 練習四:解答
73.12 練習五:選擇
73.13 練習五:解答
73.14 表達喜歡與不喜歡的詞彙
73.15 練習六:口說訓練
73.17 表達義務與選項的詞彙
73.18 練習七:單詞解釋
73.19 練習七:解答
73.20 練習八:完成句子
73.21 練習八:解答
73.22 練習九:改錯
73.23 練習九:解答
73.24 關於態度、想法與意見的詞彙
73.25 練習十:完成句子
73.26 練習十:解答
74.1 What's in it?
8.2 Note completion 題型介紹
74.3 作答技巧
74.4 作答策略與步驟
74.5 實際演練
74.6 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
75.1 聽力練習音檔
75.2 解答
76.1 聽力-第一部分(1)
76.2 聽力-第一部分(2)
76.3 聽力-第二部分(1)
76.4 聽力-第二部分(2)
76.5 聽力-第三部分(1)
76.6 聽力-第三部分(2)
76.7 聽力-第四部分
77.1 閱讀-1. The dead sea scrolls -1 (表單填空)
77.2 閱讀-1. The dead sea scrolls -2 (T/F/NG)
77.3 閱讀-2. A second attempt at domesticating tomatoes -1 (段落配合)
77.4 閱讀-2. A second attempt at domesticating tomatoes -2 (人名配對)
77.5 閱讀-2. A second attempt at domesticating tomatoes -3 (填空)
77.6 閱讀-3. Insight or evolution? -1 (選擇)
77.7 閱讀-3. Insight or evolution? -2 (Y/N/NG)
77.8 閱讀-3. Insight or evolution? -3 (Summary)
78.1 Band 7+ phrases - sports
78.2 Practice
78.3 Sample 01
78.4 Sample 02
78.5 Sample 03
78.6 Band 7+ phrases - Crime
78.7 Practice
78.8 Sample 01
78.9 Sample 02
78.10 Sample 03
79.1 What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
79.2 Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?
79.3 Do you like wearing T-shirts?
79.4 Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes
79.5 Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
79.6 What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?
79.7 Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
79.8 Do you think music education is important to children?
79.9 Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?
79.10 What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live?
79.11 Do you want to move to a quieter place?
79.12 Do you think there is too much noise in today's world?
79.13 Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?
79.14 Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?
79.15 When was the last time you had a cup of coffee or tea?
79.16 Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?
80.1 Introduction to the chapter
80.2 什麼是流程圖
80.3 流程圖題型1 架構
80.4 流程圖題型1 分析
80.5 流程圖題型1 的overview
80.6 流程圖題型1 feature 內容寫作
80.7 流程圖題型2 架構
80.8 流程圖題型2 分析
80.9 流程圖題型2 的overview
80.10 流程圖題型2 的feature 段落例文
81.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表1
81.2 圖表1分析
81.3 圖表1:8.0例文解析
81.4 圖表1:8.0例文
81.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表2
81.6 圖表2分析
81.7 圖表2:8.0例文解析
81.8 圖表2:8.0例文
81.9 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表3
81.10 圖表3分析
81.11 圖表3:8.0例文解析
81.12 圖表3:8.0例文
82.1 練習題下載
82.2 練習一
82.3 練習一:詳解
82.4 練習二
82.5 練習二:詳解
82.6 練習三
82.7 練習三:詳解
82.8 練習四
82.9 練習四:詳解
82.10 練習五
82.11 練習五:詳解
83.1 Practice 1- Try to answer the question
83.2 Practice 1- Sample Answer (Section 2)
83.3 Part 3: answer the questions
83.4 Sample: What kinds of people are likely to be the role models for teenagers?
83.5 Sample: Is it important for children to have a role model?
83.6 Sample: Are there any differences between today's famous people and those of the past?
83.7 Sample: What qualities do famous people have?
83.8 Sample: What kinds of people are likely to become famous?
83.9 Sample: Do people tend to choose the best people as their role model?
83.10 Practice 2- Try to answer the question
83.11 Practice 2- Sample Answer (Section 2)
83.12 Part 3: answer the questions
83.13 Sample: Should parents make decisions for their children?
83.14 Sample: Do you think parents are the best people to make decisions about their children's education?
83.15 Sample: At what age do you think children can be allowed to make decisions by themselves?
83.16 Sample: Why do most children find it difficult to make decisions?
83.17 Sample: Should parents interfere in children's decision-making?
83.18 Sample: How should parents help their children make decisions?
83.19 Practice 3- Try to answer the question
83.20 Practice 3- Sample Answer (Section 2)
83.21 Part 3: answer the questions
83.22 Sample: Should children be encouraged to learn from their peers?
83.23 Sample: What difficulties or problems would introverted people face in work or study?
83.24 Sample: How can a person be a good co-worker?
83.25 Sample: What makes a good employee?
83.26 Sample: How can people improve their collaboration skills?
83.27 Sample: Do you think it is more important for an employee to keep good relationships with colleagues than just focus on the work?
84.1 練習一:短文寫作
84.2 表達常態的條件句0
84.3 練習二:Conditional 0 條件句0
84.4 練習二解答
84.5 表達常態的條件句0 - 2
84.6 現在或未來可能發生的條件句1
84.7 練習三:用條件句0增加文章內容
84.8 練習四:不同的條件句不同的意思
84.9 練習四解答
84.10 與現在事實相反的條件句2
84.11 練習五:條件句2
84.12 練習五解答
84.13 與過去事實相反的條件句3
84.14 練習六:條件句3
84.15 條件句中的混合時態
84.16 刪除條件句中的if
84.17 暗示性條件句
84.18 練習七:條件句背後的意思
84.19 練習七解答
84.20 練習八:改寫暗示性條件句
84.21 練習八解答
84.22 整篇文章寫作
85.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章1
85.2 分析題目
85.3 高分例文
85.4 高分例文解析
85.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 文章2
85.6 分析題目
85.7 高分例文
85.8 高分例文解析
86.1 與合併相關的單字
86.2 練習一
86.3 練習一:詳解
86.4 表達合併或聯合的單字
86.5 練習二
86.6 練習二:詳解
86.7 練習三
86.8 練習三:詳解
86.9 與停止相關的單字
86.10 練習四
86.11 練習四:詳解
86.12 正式與非正式單詞1
86.13 練習五
86.14 練習五:詳解
86.15 練習六
86.16 練習六:詳解
86.17 正式與非正式單詞2
86.18 練習七
86.19 練習七:詳解
86.20 練習八
86.21 練習八:詳解
86.22 正式與非正式單詞3
86.23 練習九
86.24 練習九:詳解
86.25 練習十
86.26 練習十:詳解
87.1 What's in it?
87.2 Diagram completion 題型介紹
87.3 作答技巧
87.4 作答策略與步驟
87.5 實際演練
87.6 實際演練解答:考試技巧演示
88.1 聽力測驗音檔
88.2 解答
89.1 聽力-第一部分(1)
89.2 聽力-第一部分(2)
89.3 聽力-第二部分(1)
89.4 聽力-第二部分(2)
89.5 聽力-第三部分(1)
89.6 聽力-第三部分(2)
89.7 聽力-第四部分
90.1 閱讀-1. The thylacine -1 (表單填空)
90.2 閱讀-1. The thylacine -2 (T/F/NG)
90.3 閱讀-2. Palm oil -1 (段落配合)
90.4 閱讀-2. Palm oil -2 (多選)
90.5 閱讀-2. Palm oil -3 (填空)
90.6 閱讀-3. Building the sky -1 (選擇)
90.7 閱讀-3. Building the sky -2 (Y/N/NG)
90.8 閱讀-3. Building the sky -3 (Summary)
91.1 Band 7+ phrases - health
91.2 Practice
91.3 Sample 01
91.4 Sample 02
91.5 Sample 03
91.6 Band 7+ phrases - politics
91.7 Practice
91.8 Sample 01
91.9 Sample 02
91.10 Sample 03
92.1 Are robots important?
92.2 Would robots affect people's lives?
92.3 Have you ever watched a movie about robots?
92.4 Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys?
92.5 What can robots do for you at home?
92.6 Do you go running a lot?
92.7 Where do you usually go running?
92.8 When was the last time you went running?
92.9 What do you think of running as a sport?
92.10 Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?
92.11 Have you ever received a great gift?
92.12 What do you consider when choosing a gift?
92.13 Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?
92.14 Do you like chatting with friends?
92.15 What do you usually chat about with friends?
92.16 Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?
92.17 Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?
92.18 Do you argue with friends?
92.19 How do you like geography?
92.20 Do you think geography is useful?
92.21 Have you ever learned geography?
92.21 Do you want to be a geography teacher?
93.1 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表1
93.2 圖表1分析
93.3 圖表1:8.0例文解析
93.4 圖表1:8.0例文
93.5 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表2
93.6 圖表2分析
93.7 圖表2:8.0例文解析
93.8 圖表2:8.0例文
93.9 試著練習寫作看看吧!- 圖表3
93.10 圖表3分析
93.11 圖表3:8.0例文解析
93.12 圖表3:8.0例文
94.1 練習題下載
94.2 練習一
94.3 練習一:解題
94.4 練習二
94.5 練習二:解題
94.6 練習三
94.7 練習三:解題
94.8 練習四
94.9 練習四:解題
94.10 練習五
94.11 練習五:解題